It’s Time To Winterize Your DFW Home

We know its hard to believe that it’s coming, especially with the warm temperatures we’ve been enjoying this week, however weather forecasts for the DFW Metroplex are predicting some frigid temperatures this coming week. As temperatures drop, your home will require some low maintenance preparations, in order to keep it worry-free throughout the predicted freeze.
Here are some easy tips on how to winterize your home.
1.) Water Lines – to prevent water lines from freezing and bursting during cold weather:
- Allow water to trickle, especially at night when the temperatures drop.
- Disconnect and drain all garden hoses from outside faucets and store, removing them from the harsh elements if possible.
- Always know where your water main is located in case you need to shut it off in emergencies.
- Shut off the water to the exterior hose bibs.
- Insulate hose bibs with Styrofoam insulators.
- Open all cabinet doors to allow warm air to circulate and warm the pipes.
- If you go on vacation, leave the heat on, set to at least 55 degrees.
- Sprinkler systems should be shut off and drained.
2.) Chimneys and Fireplaces:
- If using a wood burner fireplace or vented gas logs, inspect the fireplace damper for the proper opening and closing.
- When not in use, keep the damper closed to prevent a draft and heat loss.
3.) Prepare an Emergency Kit:
- Buy flashlights or battery operated lanterns for use during power shortages. Other suggestions include: battery powered radio, drinking water, pre-packaged non-perishable food, propane camp stove fuel (NOT to be used indoors), non-electric can opener, charged cell phone, tool set, first aid kit, prescription medication plan in effect and pet food if you have a pet.
- Have an evacuation plan in place. Know where your main water shut off is located. Review emergency procedures with everyone in your residence if you have not prepared emergency procedures for your household, do it now. It is important that everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency or disaster. If you already have one, review it once again and make sure the procedures are still applicable.

4.) Safeguard Your Outdoor Oasis:
- During freezing temperatures, run your pool pump and filter continuously. Moving water freezes won’t freeze as quickly.
- If you have a freeze guard function on your pool equipment, be sure its turned on.
- Check any water features, as they should be winterized separately.
- Review any pool builder documentation for your pool, as every oasis may have different needs.
- If there is a “hard freeze” predicted, do the following:
- Top off pool water level
- Make sure your filter is clean, and the pool baskets have been emptied of leaves and debris
- Tent your pool plumbing, to create an environment that utilizes the heat from your filter/pump to limit freezing effects of high winds. NOTE: Never cover your heater or store items against a pool heater, and never place an additional hat source under the pool tenting area.
- During the freeze, visually inspect your pool water for freezing and to ensure that there is water movement
- As soon as the freeze passes, be sure to uncover the pool tenting
- Protect any sensitive plants with items like burlap on palm tree trunks to prevent winter sunscald (don’t forget to remove when temps return to normal), adding additional mulch around some tender plants may help, holiday lights around palm trees can offer additional warmth, and you can also nestle warm gallons of water into the the mulch at night. A great Texas reference for winter plant care can be found at Texas A&M Agrilife or contact your favorite local nursery for specific measures.

The above tips are simple outline to help you remember some of the little details in safeguarding your home from winter weather damages, and are not all-inclusive.