First Day of School Traditions your Students will Love!
We can hardly believe that school starts this week and next week in many of our local ISD’s. To get you off to a fun start, we polled our mom-friends, co-workers, kids and our kids friends to find out their favorite First Day of School traditions.
Back to school pictures – be sure to take a photo the first day of school, with their new backpack. We took ours at the front door every year, others make signs telling which grade their child is entering, yet others take a picture next to the school sign. Many more ideas on Pinterest!
- First Day of School Meal – a special breakfast or dinner makes the first day of school memorable. Repeated every year, this menu becomes a tradition.
- Pack an extra special lunch – whether it is made special by the food you include, the note you tuck inside, or the cute new lunch box, an out-of-the-ordinary lunch on the first day of school will bring a smile to your child’s face.
- First Day of School Interviews – one mom we know asks her children the same questions year after year and compiles them into a scrapbook. Who are your friends? What’s your favorite color? Favorite game? Favorite TV show-movie-book?
- Selfies – make a cute frame with your kids and have them take selfies. It’s a great memory, a fun picture to share with grandparents, and a great photo book cover if you are a photo book kind of parent!
- First Day of School gifts – a surprising number of moms buy their kids little gifts
for the first day of school. Some leave them on their breakfast plates, some put them in their child’s backpack and some have them waiting on the car seat. The gifts are as varied as the mom’s we asked – everything from special pens & pencils to backpack decorations to new shirts. Did you know that some households even get visits from the “Back to School Fairy?” Oh what fun!
- We loved this idea from “Parents” magazine – write sidewalk chalk messages for your child and her friends. Go out the night before school starts with some bright chalk and leave encouraging sidewalk messages on their route to school.
- Organize a bus stop brunch. Set up a small table or wagon at the bus stop with juice, iced coffee and muffins to celebrate the first day of school. Spread the word to meet at the bus stop 15 minutes early so everyone can enjoy the celebration. Bring cameras!
- Decorate Something! Make the first day of school special by decorating … their bedroom door while they’re sleeping .. OR the breakfast table .. OR the car!! Decorate their bathroom mirror with window paint. Bring in a bunch of balloons. Make the first day of school a festive, happy occasion!
Happy First Day of School from the Seay Realty Group, dedicated to service and exceeding your expectations. Call us today!