Moving Without Losing Your Mind!
Through our many years of working in real estate, The Seay Realty Group has picked up a few great moving tips that will help keep you sane during one of life’s most stressful events.
Make a master plan! In a bright colored notebook (so you can find it easily). In your notebook, you’ll keep EVERYTHING pertaining to your move. Keep lists of everything you need to do: what is our moving date? what can I get rid of? which utilities have to be cancelled, transferred, etc. Start a box that moves with you and holds items like toilet paper, dog treats, aspirin/first aid items, people treats, etc. Will you want to take your cleaning supplies with you? Vacuum cleaner? Which order do your things need to be packed?
Seriously, don’t skip this step!- Get rid of stuff! Hold a garage sale, sell it on Facebook, donate usable goods to charity, minimize and downsize your possessions. Moving costs time and money – why move stuff you no longer need or use?
- Decide where your stuff will live in your new place. It’s so much less stressful when moving when you know which room box #123 will go! To that end, do 2
things: start a master moving list on a sharable spreadsheet and REQUIRE everyone to use it! You’ll need four columns: Item # | Destination (kitchen, master bedroom, family room, etc) | contents (list what’s IN the box) | box details (medium Lowes box, large Charmin box, etc).
We promise, this last column will make life SO MUCH EASIER! When you need a specific item, and are trying to find it in a sea of 50 moving boxes, any identifying characteristic will be helpful! - Pack the right way! Wrap your goods carefully using bubble wrap, packing paper, sturdy boxes, etc. And .. keep your boxes a reasonable weight. You can often find used moving boxes and packing paper on Facebook.
Our favorite tip is this – leave one space in your home as intact as possible until the last minute. This is your recharging spot, and you’ll use it more than you know to recharge, de-stress, get you re-centered. If that’s just not possible, visit a tried and true coffee shop, park, bookstore or library – this is your place to retreat to when you need a break from moving, even if it’s just a short one!
Happy Moving Day!
Information provided by The Seay Realty Group, dedicated to service and exceeding your expectations. Call us today!