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Downsizing isn’t just for Empty Nesters! Consider these benefits.

downsizeThere are so many reasons to downsize, and it’s not just for empty nesters! You may want to move closer to your family, shrink your expenses, embark on a new adventure, simplify, adopt a minimalist lifestyle or just have more time to devote to the things that are important to you. Moving to a smaller home can help you accomplish your goals in a plethora of ways!

Save Money – A smaller home can help you save money in a profusion of ways. There are many day-to-day expenses that will be reduced by living in a smaller home – taxes, utilities, lawn care, maintenance, homeowners association dues, to name a few.

money-2831511_640You may be able to reduce your mortgage payment, or eliminate it all together, by moving to a smaller home. If you reduce your mortgage payment, you can use the additional money in your pocket to pay off other debts quicker. Or that extra money can go into an IRA or other retirement plans and give you a wonderful nest egg.

Are you thinking that its impossible to move to a smaller home for less money, based on North Texas’ real estate prices? Not true! The Seay Realty Group would love to talk to you about multiple real estate and financial options to explore when downsizing.

Simplify Your Life – A smaller home can save you a lot of time and energy! In addition to the obvious cleaning time you’ll save with less square footage, you’ll save decorating dollars, have less maintenance to handle, maybe less (or no) yard work to do. That means more time to do what’s important to you … play with the kids, attack those hobbies, travel, relax. Ahhhh.

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Marie Kondo, author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”

De-Clutter – Obviously, downsizing your square footage means downsizing your belongings, which can be very freeing. Marie Kondo, author of “The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up”, is hot these days and is on to something big! Decluttering your home can be life-changing, especially if you have a lot of stuff accumulated or are just tired of organizing and maintaining it all!

Sell the overage of goods to bring in a little extra money … or make a sizable donation of goods to your favorite charity and deduct the donation. Either way, you will bring in a little extra money to decorate the new place!

Are you ready to downsize but don’t know where to start? Call The Seay Realty Group today. We can help you get top dollar for your home and negotiate a great deal on a new one. 214.636.8485

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