Thanksgiving Tradition Ideas

Family Traditions seem to be the most prevalent during the holidays- with the holiday season quickly approaching, we thought different traditions would be an excellent topic to share with our readers.
Holiday Traditions provide opportunities for family members to bond with the ones they love and they strengthen a family’s foundation as well as it’s identity,
Traditions give family members something to look forward to
…and In a year like 2020,
it sure seems like we all could use a little something to look forward to!
Let’s Start with Thanksgiving!
- What are some of your family’s Thanksgiving Traditions?
- How did these get started?
- Do you continue to add new traditions each year?
- How do you think your family’s traditions affect your family?
If you do not have any family Thanksgiivng traditions, or if you do, but are looking for more… Don’t worry, we got ya covered!
Check out our list of ideas below!
Thanksgiving Tradition Ideas:
- Day before Thanksgiving- Get the kids involved! Have the children work on Thanksgiving crafts that you can then use for decorations! Children can also write the menu for the big meal and put it on display for guests to see.
- Grateful Breakfast- before the craziness of the day begins, sit down for breakfast with your family and have meaningful conversations with your children.
- Have the family assist with setting the table
- Give kids an important job they can do year after year.
- The Toast Game- Throughout dinner, each guest makes a toast, no one leaves the table until every guest has made their toast.
- Have a family sleepover
- Have kids serve the dessert
- Post dinner- paint a special ornament shifting the attention to Christmas
- Thanksgiving Olympics-
- Thanksgiving Family Feud
- Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt for the Golden Turkey
- Express Gratitude! Gratitude Activities:
- Gratitude Place Cards- Display Guest’s Name and “I am thankful for___”
- Thankful wall- tape a sheet of butcher paper on an unused cabinet or table. Throughout the day (or even week leading up to Thanksgiving)- ask family members to write what their thankful for
- Thanksgiving Time Capsule- Similar to above- lay out butcher paper or a table cloth, but have guests write what their favorite part of the Thanksgiving festivities were, then fold the paper up and tuck it away somewhere special. Next year, lay the old sheets out along with the new one for everyone to look back on and remember Thanksgivings past,
- Play a Thankful Guessing Game- Have each guest write what they are thankful for, crumble it up, r and place it in a jar. Each guest should draw from the jar and try to guess who wrote it.
- Pass out journal have everyone write their thankful and get it out year after year to see how its evolved or tablecloth
Happy Thanksgiving!