8 Signs You’re Ready to Adopt a Pet
Celebrating its 30th year, National Pet Month takes place April 1 – May 6 2019, with National Pet Day celebrated on April 11th. To observe this special month, The Seay Realty Group will fill you in each week on special pet events in our area, businesses that cater to your pets, Animal Rescue organizations and other notable news you can use.
Today, let’s talk about adopting a pet … are you ready? We love our cute furry friends, but before making the commitment to give a new pet a forever home, give it some serious thought. Here are eight points to think about:
- You’ve given serious thought to the kind of pet that matches your lifestyle – If you’re a runner searching for a running companion, you want a dog that loves to run. If you’re a senior who wants a quiet companion, choose a mellow pet that doesn’t need to be exercised quite as much and who loves to spend time on your lap! If you have kids, you want a kid-friendly pet. Your local vet or humane society can advise you once you figure out the characteristics that fit your lifestyle.
You spend enough time at home to properly care for a pet – If you travel for business or work really long days where your pet will be alone a lot, you might want to reconsider a pet at this time.
- You’re financially prepared – It’s hard to know exactly what expenses your pet will incur, but for sure you can factor in veterinary bills for vaccinations, micro chipping, spaying/neutering expenses and emergency situations. Grooming tools, food, medication, toys, bowls, parasite preventatives, boarding or in-home pet care when you travel, and the cost of pet insurance (should you choose to purchase it).
- You have time to train, socialize and exercise your pet – A new furry friend means a big commitment of time to get them used to the rules of your home, socialize them with kids, neighbors, friends & other pets in the area.
- Your family is on board with a new pet – be sure you not only check to make sure everyone wants a new pet but figure out who will be responsible for which aspects of pet care. Consider allergies, too. Once you bring your new pet home, make the rules clear to everyone – no table scraps, fresh water, no barking. Figure out how you’re going to introduce your new pet to other pets already in the house (ask your veterinarian!)
You’re prepared to make a long-term commitment – Depending on the breed of pet you choose (small dog, large dog, cat, bird) they could live well into their 20s! Make sure you understand the kind of long-term commitment you are making – it’s not fair to your pet to suddenly give them up when they get old, you have a new baby, or for whatever reason.
- You’ve done your homework on pet care and safety – Learn about proper nutrition, hazards in your home, dental care and find a veterinarian who loves your pet as much as you do!
- Enjoy! Having a pet is wonderful, but only if you’re ready for the responsibility.
Checklist provided by the Seay Realty Group, dedicated to service and exceeding your expectations. Call us today!