7 Ways to Make the Holidays Safe for your Pets
The Holidays are fast approaching, and you’ll want to be sure your pets enjoy a safe and stress-free holiday, too! Here are seven tips to avoid a holiday disaster with your pets:
- People food is for people! Keep people food out of the reach of your pet, and ask guests to do the same.
- Secure your Christmas tree to keep it from tipping over if your cat climbs it, or your dog bumps it. The American Veterinary Medical Foundation suggests that hanging lemon scented car fresheners in your tree may deter cats from climbing it.
- Avoid Tinsel. Kitties love the sparkly, light-catching toy that’s easy to bat around and carry in their mouths. But swallowed tinsel can lead to an obstructed digestive tract, severe vomiting, dehydration and maybe even surgery.
- Keep wires, batteries and glass or plastic ornaments out of pet’s reach. A wire can deliver a potentially lethal electrical shock, a punctured battery can cause burns to the mouth and esophogus, while shards of breakable ornaments can damage your pet’s mouth and digestive tract.
Choose special pet treats carefully. Pet stockings are adorable, but stick with chew toys that are indestructible (like Kongs). You can also pick chew treats that are meant to be digestible. Your pet store can help you. Kitties love long, stringy things, but they are risky toys (see #3 above). Santa should stick with a ball that’s too large to swallow, a stuffed catnip toy, or the interactive cat dancer. And cats love to chase spotlights … a new flashlight might be kitties newest favorite toy!
- A room of their own. Give your pet his own quiet place to retreat to, complete with fresh water and a place to snuggle. Shy pets might prefer to hide under a piece of furniture, in their carrying case, or in a separate room away from the commotion.
- Happy New Year’s! Not so much for your pet! Noisy poppers, fireworks, or any abrupt sound can terrify pets and even cause damage to sensitive ears. Please put your pets in a secure, escape-proof area as midnight draws near.
The ASPCA has prepared a flyer with additional pet safety tips when traveling and hosting a party. Download it here.
Information about pet safety provided by the Seay Realty Group, dedicated to service and exceeding your expectations. Call us today!