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Flower Mound ranked #1 for safety!

Posted by SeayGroupAdmin on December 6, 2017

SafeHome1The Seay Group is happy to share this good news: the Town of Flower Mound was recently ranked as Texas’ safest city, according to SAFEHOME, a research organization which studies home security equipment and monitoring plans. SAFEHOME  recently released the results of a study identifying the top 65 safest cities in Texas with a population of 50,000 or larger. Analysts calculated safety scores for each Texas community studied using FBI crime data, population, and citizen-to-officer ratio. Flower Mound scored an impressive 90.42 out of 100.

Additionally, in a nationwide study, Flower Mound was ranked #10 out of 100 of the country’s safest cities.

Check out the full study here.

Looking for a home in Flower Mound? Contact The Seay Group Realty today!

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